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I know they are running out of registration room
fast for this private screening Monday night so
PLEASE register now.
I remember when Greg and Jeff launched SIMS 1.0 last year, it was the biggest and most incredible thing to ever hit our industry. And, I can't believe I'm saying this BUT SIMS 2.0 is even bigger and WAY better.
Register for the Private Screening:
The results people got last year have been mind-blowing. New investors who hadn't even done a deal yet are now doing multiple deals a month like clockwork. Seasoned investors used SIMS 1.0 to totally dominate their local markets and increased their businesses over 300%.
And the crazy part is THEY WERE USING the old system.
SIMS 2.0 is completely re-engineered from the ground up. Greg and Jeff have taken everything that worked incredibly well in SIMS 1.0 and combined it with the most advanced techniques they're using right now to create the...
World's Most Aggressive Lead Generation System Ever Developed
I've never seen anything like it. It just plain works. And that's the best part. So often I read about things that proclaim to be the "best thing since sliced bread" but end up being nothing more than at best a half a slice and slightly moldy. (I hear some people like moldy bread, go figure) BUT SIMS has created more success stories than any other system ever developed.
They've also added dozens of brand new features. Two of these new features are a "Mobile Marketing Platform" and an "Affiliate Marketing" module.
Register for the Private Screening:
Mobile marketing is the MOST effective way to actually reach people without messages going into spam or junk. And SMS messages actually get read near 100% of the time. Sort of like email 15 years ago. If you're not using it then you're not using the most powerful marketing tool over the next 3-5 years.
Affiliate Marketing. Now this is BIG. In this module they'll show you how to make money in real estate without ever buying or selling a house. You can make money from people on your list who will NEVER buy or sell a house from you. It's a HUGE untapped goldmine.
One last thing and THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for MANY is on Monday's call they're going to explain the SIMS Marketing Partnership Program (SMP). It's where a one-on-one MASTER LEVEL SIMS certified consultant will work with you personally for 90 to 120 days to implement every step of the SIMS 2.0 process.
Get the details here:
Talk Soon,
P.S. I think the most amazing thing to come across our industry in years is this new SMP program. To think you could basically hire the #1 marketing company in our industry to DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU is incredible.
Maybe You Can Relate?
Maybe you can relate?
I was thinking back on when I first started to invest in real estate the other day. I use to be so fearful about so many things and those fears paralyzed me for a long time. It kept me from moving forward.
One of my fears was (as silly as this sounds)…if I started to market my business, I would not be able to handle the response my marketing would bring back to me.
So I did not start right away and procrastinated for let’s just say way too long! I finally got tired of that and started to place ads and began to market my business tentatively. In the back of my head thinking, I better get ready for the avalanche of business I was going to get!
Well, guess what happened?
At least not at first, then as things progressed – I started to market more - I started to get leads in my system! So, all my fears about not being able to handle the business coming to me were all in my head!
Now looking back on this I laugh, because marketing has become part of my day, every day. I don’t think twice about it.
Here is the thing; we need to get out of our own way to move forward. All those fears that we have in our head are just not true.
Marketing your business is an ongoing process and needs to be started and maintained for the life of your business. You have to start and it does not have to be perfect…But you do have to get it Going!!
Marketing is the blood that runs through our businesses to keep it alive. Stay consistent with this every day and you will be on your way to success.
Any questions please let me know by contacting me on VDF or writing me at
Funny Friday Quote:
“I always give 100% at work:
13% Monday
22% Tuesday
26% Wednesday
35% Thursday
4% Friday”
Just thought some of your could relate! ;)
Happy Friday!
Ps- Dont forget to watch today's Daily Video- it's a
good one!!
Looking for a true Cash Partner Fast!!
Hello Fellow Investors,
We have a wholesale property that will be converting from a 3BDR 1BTH w/a unfinished BSMT into a 5BDR 2BTH w/a Finished BSMT (laundry room, & Den), but the financing fell through so we are looking for a cash partner to partner up with us to help us close this deal by the 12th of this month, and also we have a retail buyer already lined up to close on the deal once it's fully rehabbed.
The comps for a 5BDR 2BTH in a 1/2 mi average ARV $160,000.00 to $180,000.00. We Need 67,000 to close on the deal and 37,000 for the rehab. Go to the link below to enter your info so we can give you more information on the deal.
A Little Food 4 Thought
“Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought.”
- Henri L. Bergson
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
– Hellen Keller
“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.”
- Josh Billings
“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”
- Will Rogers
“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
- Christopher Columbus
“To a brave man, good and bad luck are like his left and right hand. He uses both.”
- St Catherine of Siena
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us”
- Helen Keller
“We don’t see the things the way they are. We see things the way WE are.”
- Talmund
“Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds.”
- Norman Vincent Peale
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
- Dr Wayne Dyer
“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”
- Theodore Rubin
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
- Thomas A Edison
“Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting”
- Elizabeth Bibesco
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”
- B. Olatunji
“When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
- Franklin D Roosevelt
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”
- Zig Ziglar
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